

The following resources were used in the preparation of Studies in Matthew

Barth, Karl:  Dogmatics in Outline, SCM, London, 1966
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich: The Cost of Discipleship, SCM, London, 1959
Boice, JM:  Christ’s Call to Discipleship, Moody, Chicago, 1986
Bruce, FF:  The Epistles of John, Pickering and Inglis, London, 1970
Calvin, John:  Calvin’s Commentaries, Vol 7, Associated Publishers and Authors, Grand Rapids
Chapman, John: Know and Tell the Gospel, Hodder and Stoughton, Sydney, 1981.
Chantry, William: Today’s Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic? Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh, 1970
Hendriksen, William: The Gospel of Matthew, Baker, Grand Rapids, 1973
Hoekema, AntHony: The Bible and the Future, Paternoster, Exeter, 1978
Lloyd-Jones, Martyn: Studies in the Sermon on the Mount, Vol I & II, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1971
Lockyer, Herbert: All the Parables of the Bible, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1963
MacArthur, John Jr: The Gospel According to Jesus, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, 1988
Morris, Leon:  Testaments of Love, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1981
                   The Gospel According to John, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 1975
                    The Gospel According to Matthew, IVP, Leicester, 1992
Schaeffer, Francis: He Is There And He Is Not Silent, [The Complete Works, Vol 1], Crossway, 1982
                          True Spirituality, [The Complete Works … Vol 3], Crossway, Wheaton, 1982
Stott, John:  The Epistles of John, Tyndale, London, 1966
Thielicke, Helmut: The Waiting Father, James Clarke, London, 1966.