© Rosemary Bardsley 2009
Ref. |
Description of salvation |
1:7 |
Might believe |
1:9 |
Gives light |
1:12 |
Gave the right to become children of God |
1:13 |
Children … born of God |
1:16 |
Received from the fullness of his grace one blessing after another |
3:3 |
See the kingdom of God |
3:3,7 |
Be born again |
3:5 |
Enter the kingdom of God |
3:5,6,8 |
Born … of the Spirit |
3:15,16, 36;12:50 |
Eternal life |
3:18 |
Is not condemned |
4:14 ; 7:37-38 |
Never thirst |
5:24 ; 6:54 |
Has eternal life |
5:24 |
Will not be condemned |
5:24 |
Has crossed over from death to life |
5:25 ,29; 14:19 |
Live |
6:35 |
Never go hungry, never be thirsty |
6:37 |
All the Father gives me … I will never drive away |
6:39,54 |
I shall lose none of all that he has given me, but raise them up at the last day |
6:40 |
Have eternal life and be raised up at the last day |
6:45 |
Taught by God |
6:47 |
Has everlasting life |
6:50 |
Not die |
6:56 |
Remains in me and I in him |
6:57 |
Lives because of me |
6:58 |
Live forever |
6:65 |
Enables by the Father to come to Jesus |
7:37-39; 14:16-26 |
Indwelling Spirit |
8:12 |
Not walk in darkness but have the light of life |
8:32 |
Know the truth and the truth will set you free |
8:47 |
Belongs to God, hears what God says |
8:51 |
Never see death |
10:9 |
Be saved … find pasture |
10:10 |
Have life … to the full |
10:14 |
Know the shepherd |
10:28 |
Cannot be snatched out of Christ’s hand |
10:29 |
Given to Christ by the Father Cannot be taken out of my Father’s hand |
11:25-26 |
…will live, even though he dies … will never die |
12:26 |
Will be where Christ is |
12:26 |
My Father will honour the one who serves me |
12:36 |
Sons of light |
13:10 |
Clean |
14:2-5 |
A place is prepared by Jesus for those who are his |
14:6 |
Comes to the Father through Jesus |
14:7 |
Knows the Father and has seen the Father |
14:18-23 |
Indwelling Christ |
14:21,23 ;16:27 |
Loved by Christ and the Father |
14:21 |
Christ shows himself to those who are saved |
14:23 |
Dwelling place of God |
14:26 ; 15:26; 16:12-15 |
Taught all things by the Spirit |
14:27; 16:30 |
Peace I leave with you In me you may have peace |
15:3 |
Already clean because of the word of Christ |
15:11; 16:20-24; 17:13 |
Joy Full measure of my joy within them |
17:2,3 |
Eternal life; know you the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent |
17:6,9,24 |
Given to Jesus by his Father |
17:11 |
Protected by the power of God’s name |
17:14 |
Have been given the Father’s word |
17:17; 17:19 |
Sanctified by the truth Truly sanctified |
17:23 |
I in them and you in me … complete unity |
17:23 |
You have …loved them even as you have loved me |
17:24 |
… to be with me where I am, and to see my glory |
17:25 |
Know the Father, know that the Father sent Jesus |
17:26 |
The Father’s love for Christ may be in us, Christ in us |
18:37 |
… on the side of the truth, listens to me |
20:31 |
Have life in his name |