Ecclesiology: the study of the church

Ego-centric: self-centred.

Elder: usually a person appointed to a position of leadership and authority within a group of Christians. Biblical prerequisites are listed in 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4,

Election: God’s choice of a person or group of people for a specific calling or role.

End of the world/age: The time when Christ returns and the events accompanying that return – the final judgment, the end of all that is evil, the heavens and earth pass away, and the establishment of the new heavens and the new earth, under the eternal reign of Christ.

Eradication: Teaching that sin can be totally eradicated from the believer. Similar to perfectionism. To accept this teaching both the holiness of God and the sinfulness of sin are inevitably minimized.

Eschatology: study of the last things.

Eternity: A ‘place’, state or existence unbounded by time and space.

Eternal [everlasting]: without end; more precisely, outside of the limits of time.

Eternal life: Life re-united with God through acknowledgement of Jesus Christ. This life begins at the point of faith in Christ and continues beyond death. [John 5:24; 17:3; 1 John 5:12,20]

Ethics: a system or code of behavioural standards.

Evangelical [evangelicalism]: relating to the proclamation of the gospel. Churches or believers who believe that the gospel must be preached, and that it must be personally received by individuals.

Evangelism [Evangelize]: the proclamation of the gospel.

Evil: the opposite of good. Everything forbidden by God, and everything that is opposed to God.

Evil spirit: A spirit being in rebellion against God. Sometimes called a ‘demon’ or ‘devil’.

Exodus: [1] the second book of the Bible; [2] the deliverance of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt and their journey to Sinai under the leadership of Moses.

Exorcism, exorcist: The act in which evil spirits/demons are commanded to come out of a person whom they have been ‘possessing’. The person who does this.

Expiation: payment of sin’s penalty.