Hades: The realm of the dead. [New Testament word]

Healing in the atonement: The teaching that when Christ died on the cross he literally suffered not only the penalty for our sins, but every human sickness. Because of this, no believer should ever be sick, and should claim or demand healing on the basis of the cross. Not a biblical concept.

Heart: Biblically not the centre of emotions, but primarily the centre of our being, our self - our reason, our will as well as our feelings. Sometimes used as a parallel concept to ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’.

Heaven: The ultimate destiny of those who are saved by Christ.

Hebrew: An Israelite. The language of the Israelites.

Hell: the ultimate destiny of those who are not saved by Christ. Depicted by various symbolic images: fire, worms, darkness, torment, regret.

Heresy: false teaching. Often sounds very much like the truth, and so deceives many.

Hidden sin: A sin that a person refuses to admit or acknowledge. Error alert: [1] Some sections of the church teach that such sin is not covered by the cross and forgiven until it is verbally confessed. [2] Some teach that it blocks God’s blessing and results in sickness and/or poverty.

High priest: Selected from among the priests of Israel for specific duties.

Holiness: State of being holy. [See next entry.]

Holy: In reference to God: his absolute uniqueness, his perfection. In reference to humans: set apart by God for God for his special use.

Holy of holies [Most Holy Place]: The inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle and the Temple; human entry was forbidden except on the Day of Atonement, when the High Priest entered. Contained the Ark of the Covenant and its lid, the Atonement Cover or Mercy Seat.

Holy Place: a sacred part of the Temple and the Tabernacle. It contained the incense altar, the lamp stand and the table on which sacred bread was placed. Priests entered the Holy Place every day to fulfil their duties. Entry to the Most Holy Place was through the Holy Place.

Holy Spirit: the Spirit of God, the Spirit of Jesus, the Holy Ghost. The third member of the Trinity.

Homosexuality: sexual intercourse between two people of the same sex. It is one of many forbidden sexual relationships [Leviticus 18:22].

Honour: the recognition, acknowledgement and worship due to God because he is God. [Read John 5:23]

Human responsibility: The role/responsibility of the individual person in salvation and sanctification. Seen by some to conflict with divine sovereignty, but biblically compatible with divine sovereignty.

Humanism [secular]: man is the centre of all things; his destiny is in his own hands; there is no such thing as any ‘supernatural’ being or action. Denies the existence of God, revelation, miracles, incarnation, resurrection, life beyond death, etc.

Humanitarianism : the attitude and practice of kindness towards suffering human beings. Such attitudes and actions are commanded right through the Bible as evidence of true faith in God.