About The Author

The God's Word For You Bible Study website is an on-going project of Rosemary Bardsley provided freely for the use and benefit of believers around the world. It is not associated with any church or Christian organization. For readers wondering about the doctrinal perspective of the website: the studies uphold the doctrines of grace emphasised by the great reformers of the sixteenth century,  and reflect  the Reformation principles of Scripture alone, Christ alone, faith alone and grace alone.

Rosemary lives on the Gold Coast, in Queensland, Australia. She has one unmarried daughter, who lives with her. She also has two sons, both of whom are married. She has six grand-children. She holds a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, a Diploma of Divinity, a Diploma of Professional Counselling, and a Bachelor of Theology.

Her history of Christian service includes short term mission work in Papua New Guinea, long term mission work among the Aboriginal people of Australia, Bible College lecturing, speaking at women’s conventions, seminars and workshops with Christian Women Communicating International, Sunday School curriculum development and writing, and writing for a variety of Christian periodicals. She has also published several small books and written a number of study series for the Know Your Bible study program. For some years Rosemary was in charge of the training ministry of her local church, where her responsibilities included subject development, lecturing and assessment.

She currently leads a number of regular Bible study groups in her local church, speaks at CWCI events, and writes for the KYB Bible study program.

GODS WORD FOR YOU acknowledges that God exists, that He loves us with an incredible love, and that He has spoken and continues to speak to us in the Bible, His written Word. Over and above all, this site affirms that God, in a manner totally contrary to how we would think and act, has provided in and through Jesus Christ His eternal Son, a way of forgiveness in which we can live in his presence guilt free, acquitted and at peace.

To send genuine questions about what the Bible says on a topic or issue for answering on site or by email at the author's discretion, go our ''Feedback and questions'' page to contact the author. Please do not send emails requesting Bibles, printed material or money as the author is not in a position to respond to such requests.