© Rosemary Bardsley 2014
#1 The Scripture and goal-setting
From the Bible verses listed in this section, select ten that you believe are the most important ones to help you define what you want your life to look like – your personal mission and vision. List those ten here. Include a summary of what these texts say.
#2 Write a draft Mission Statement:
On the basis of what you have studied in Sections A to C write a draft mission statement for your life. This should be only one sentence. [If you are working with a Mentor, discuss this with your mentor and refine it if necessary.]
#3A Goal setting – Step one
Under each of the headings below make a list of what you are currently doing, and what you would like to be doing, even things that at the moment seem way out of your reach.
#3B Goal Setting – Step Two
In each of the above categories do two things:
1. Put a cross through the things you are currently doing that do not reflect the Biblical Principles identified in Study One and in the Setting Biblical Foundations studies, and that do not fit the Draft Mission Statement you wrote above.
2. Put a circle around the two things from each category that are most important to you, making sure that you first ‘count the cost’ of pursuing these ambitions.
#3C Goal Setting - Step Three
From the 16 ambitions you identified now list -
Your most important 8:
Now break this down to your most important 4:
Now your most important 2:
Now the most important of all:
#4 My long term goals [see Notes below before doing this].
From the above 8 write out your long term goals – one for each of the 8 categories in #3A.
Now number them from 1 to 8 in terms of how important they are to you. [Number 1 being the most important.] This is an important step to help you know which goals you should spend most time, effort and money on.
#5 My short term goals
Now for each long term goal identify several short term goals that will work towards fulfilling your long term goals. Remember to keep your Mission Statement in mind as you write these goals.
For long Term Goal #1:
For long Term Goal #2:
For long Term Goal #3:
For long Term Goal #4:
For long Term Goal #5:
For long Term Goal #6:
For long Term Goal #7:
For long Term Goal #8:
[1] The above list of 8 long term goals has left out quite a lot of things that are important to you. As you make progress in working toward these via the associated short term goals, you can work out short term goals for other important long term goals.
[2] If you would rather work towards multiple goals in fewer categories than one goal in each category, that is okay. For instance, if you have nothing in ‘Other’ you could work towards two long term ‘Family’ goals. Or, if you are already fit and healthy and fully engaged socially, you may choose to work towards three long term ‘Spiritual’ goals, if you notice some lack in that area.
[3] If you are working with a Mentor, discuss your long and short term goals with your Mentor.