© Rosemary Bardsley 2009, 2014
#1 The missionary
In her situation identify:
Non-biblical and/or unrealistic perceptions and expectations
Knowledge of others’ expectations and perceptions
Perceptions and expectations generated in/by family, friends, church
What realistic expectations/perceptions could have minimised her guilt and mental/emotional trauma?
#2 The high school student
In her situation identify
Unrealistic perceptions and expectations
Her knowledge of others’ expectations
What realistic expectations/perceptions could have prevented her trauma?
#3 The mission pastor
In his situation identify:
Non-biblical and/or unrealistic perceptions and expectations
Perceptions and expectations generated by mission traditions
What realistic expectations/perceptions could have minimised his stress?
#4 Yourself
List your expectations of:
Your self
Your role or job
A significant relationship
Now look objectively at each expectation you listed. Circle only those that are realistic.
Now list your perception of the expectations the following people have of you:
Your employer
Your fellow Christians
Your closest relation or friend
Now circle which of these expectations you feel are unrealistic – the one’s that are demanding of you what you believe you cannot possibly give to the extent you think is expected.
#5 Expectations and perceptions within ‘the church’
Discuss each the following expectations or perceptions. Are they Biblical? If not, why not? How do they impact individuals?
Good Christians are [or should be] involved in mission or ministry.
All Christians should be involved in ‘discipling’ or ‘being discipled’.
Good Christians don’t work on Sundays
You have to have a ‘word from the Lord’ before you become involved in mission.
Style [not referring to modesty] of dress is an indicator of spirituality
Christians should not surf the internet
Every Christian should be an active ‘soul-winner’
Unless you can identify the time of your conversion you are not saved.
[Or, unless you have ‘been down the front’ or ‘prayed the prayer’, you are not saved.]
Every Christian has to find ‘God’s plan for their life’
You will only be blessed if ‘you are in the centre of God’s will’
#6 What I need to change and why
Make a list of your personal expectations and perceptions of yourself, your relationships, your fellow Christians, circumstances and your role/job that need to be changed or discarded. Explain why.
My unrealistic and/or unbiblical expectations and/or perceptions of myself
My unrealistic and/or unbiblical expectations and/or perceptions of my relationships
My unrealistic and/or unbiblical expectations and/or perceptions of my fellow Christians
My unrealistic and/or unbiblical expectations and/or perceptions of my circumstances
My unrealistic and/or unbiblical expectations and/or perceptions of my role or job