© Rosemary Bardsley 2014
#1 Personal Attitude
Without stopping to think, record your spontaneous answers to the questions in the box below:
When and how did you first hear about witnessing?
What were you told?
How did you feel about what you were told?
How did you feel when you first tried to witness?
How do you feel about witnessing now?
Why do you try to witness?
If or when you don’t try to witness, why don’t you?
What are your basic emotions when you think about witnessing?
What do you believe God thinks about your attitude to witnessing?
How much guilt do you feel in relation to witnessing?
Why do you experience this guilt?
#2 What is Witnessing?
According to your present understanding of witnessing, circle your spontaneous answer, ‘yes’ or ‘no’, for each of the following:
I am witnessing when I:
Give a testimony in public..... Yes No
Teach Sunday School ..... Yes No
Preach in a church service ..... Yes No
Go door-knocking ..... Yes No
Hand out tracts ..... Yes No
Talk to an unsaved person about the Lord .. Yes No
Live a consistent Christian life ..... Yes No
Debate theological questions ..... Yes No
Give a helping hand ..... Yes No
Repent and believe ..... Yes No
Suffer for the sake of Christ ..... Yes No
Give a testimony privately ..... Yes No
Share in the Lord’s Supper ..... Yes No
Talk to another believer about the Lord ... Yes No
Sing a Christian song ..... Yes No
Share my possessions because I love the Lord ..... Yes No
#3 Evangelism
According to the New Testament, what is the content or focus of the ‘good news’ that we are supposed to tell?
Matthew 4:23
Mark 1:1
Acts 20:24
Romans 1:1
Romans 1:9
Romans 1:16
Ephesians 1:13
Ephesians 6:15
2Thessalonians 1:8