A meditation on Ephesians 6:15
The ‘shoes’ of the soldier had two purposes: (1) to protect the soles of his feet against injury, and (2) to give him a firm footing. They were ‘sandals which were bound by thongs over the instep and around the ankle, and the soles were thickly studded with nails. This would give him a firm footing in case of attack.’ (Wuest Word Studies in the Greek New Testament Vol 1 p 144).
The word translated ‘readiness’ or ‘preparation’ was used in Classical Greek for establishment on a firm foundation. It is to this firm foundation that that Ephesians 6:14 directs our attention.
The firm foundation, the firm footing that keeps us standing firm under the attack of the evil one is ‘the gospel of peace’. This firm footing does not simply come from the Gospel of peace, as the NIV translation infers, rather it is the Gospel of peace. Consider the Scriptures:
Jesus is called ‘the prince of peace’ [Isaiah 9:6]
The terms ‘good news’, ‘salvation’ and ‘peace’ all refer to the one thing [Isaiah 52:7]
Peace is the purpose and result of Christ’s substitutionary death [Isaiah 53:5; Colossians 1:20]
The angels announced peace as an implication of Christ’s incarnation [Luke 2:14]
Christ promised ‘peace’ as his gift to his disciples [John 14:27]
Peace is the result of Christ’s victory over the world [John 16:33]
‘Peace’ is a one-word summary of the gospel message [Acts 10:36; Ephesians 2:17]
Peace is the present possession of those who believe in Christ [Romans 5:1]
Christ is our peace [Ephesians 2:14]
The peace of God guards the hearts of those who are in Christ [Philippians 4:7]
It is this perfect peace of the Gospel – this peace with God which stabilizes us when attacked by the evil one.
This gospel peace is not rooted in anything we are or do. Nor does it primarily refer to our state of mind. It is the state of peace – of reconciliation, of the removal of enmity and separation – between the believer and God.
This is our sure foundation when the evil one tempts us to doubt and fear our salvation.
This is our security and stability when he accuses us.
This is our foundation when he pushes, provokes and pressures us to give up on our faith.
That we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ we have that which the whole religious world is seeking.
Copyright Rosemary Bardsley 2006, 2011