Living for Jesus
The Living for Jesus folder contains studies geared to help you to live and to serve as a disciple of Jesus Christ.
You are also directed to other studies on this site. They are all available to help you to live and serve as a disciple of Jesus.
Setting Biblical Foundations
Setting Biblical Foundations is the first in the Spiritual Growth series of studies that grounds the Christian life on biblical priorities and principles and suggests practical measures for following through with these priorities and principles in your life. Worksheets for each study are included.
Knowing Yourself
Knowing Yourself looks at three key biblical concepts that are foundational to understanding ourselves. It then helps you to look at yourself as an individual - the kind of person you are, your strengths and weaknesses, your talents, abilities and gifts, your individual personal needs. With this biblical and practical understanding of yourself you will be better equipped to live your life to the glory of God.
Managing Yourself
The Managing Yourself studies look at a number of issues that impact the implementation of the biblical priorities and principles identified in Setting Biblical Foundations.
Spiritual Disciplines
Spiritual Disciplines are about living an intentional and disciplined Christian life. The Christian practices and activities included here are never to be seen as 'laws' that must be kept in order to gain or maintain salvation. Rather we are looking here at things that are part of the Christian life - expressions of our faith, evidence of our belief that Jesus Christ is our only Lord and our only Saviour. These are activities to which we freely commit ourselves because God loves us and we love God.
Some studies on Spiritual Disciplines are already on this site in other Study folders. The first five studies listed provide you with links to a number of study folders or to individual studies. We recommend that you click on these links and select relevant topics from the studies listed in these folders.
Witness and Evangelism
The aim of these Bible Studies in Witness and Evangelism is threefold:
To liberate the reader from the non-Biblical perceptions and expectations about witnessing that have accumulated in the church.
To remove the feelings of guilt that colour much of our personal thoughts about witnessing.
To establish Biblical perceptions and expectations of personal evangelism and witness.
You will not find much about methods here. This is because the Bible does not say much at all about methods of witness and evangelism. But you will find foundational concepts that will liberate and empower you to live with joy as a 'witness' of Jesus Christ in your world.
Christian Ethics
Christians today are confronted with moral and ethical issues that were rarely raised in previous generations. Not only have the advances of technology and science raised ethical questions on which we must all make decisions, but moral values and perceptions have radically changed in our society. Behaviours that were mentioned only in whispers or behind closed doors are accepted as ‘normal’. Actions and relationships that were unthinkable fifty years ago are now commonplace. In addition, global communication networks impact us with the suffering of the whole world, so that, being informed, we can no longer use ignorance as an excuse for inaction.
This series of studies seeks to define and affirm the biblical ethic in the context of our contemporary post-Christian culture.
Serving in the Church
Serving in the Church contains a number of studies that give foundational perspectives and practical guidelines for a range of ministries within the Church.