The Theology of Revelation
The book of Revelation is a rich source of truth, providing us with a broad wealth of understanding across many theological topics. It affirms with great clarity and power those biblical facts that we, with our human pride and our vulnerability to deception, often question: facts like the sovereignty of God, the assurance of salvation and the utter security of the redeemed, the reality of God's wrath and judgment and the fate of the unredeemed, the existence of the enemy.
This series of studies on Revelation will eventually present a range of aspects of the theology of Revelation, including what Revelation teaches about God, about Jesus Christ, about salvation, about sanctification, about the Church, about judgement, about angels and about Satan and demons, about 'heaven'.
It would not be wrong to state that Revelation contains the whole of Scripture: the whole of God's truth in condensed form. For it is all here in this one book, this final book, this final unveiling, this final revealing in which God, the high and holy One, speaks to us humans.