Revelation - The Big Picture
The purpose of these five studies is to understand where and how Revelation fits in and into the big picture of God’s self-revelation in the entire Scripture from Genesis right through to the end.
Revelation is not an isolated book. It has multiple connections throughout the Bible. An understanding of these connections is extremely important and also extremely helpful as we study Revelation. Seeing Revelation in this big picture sets up a boundary within which to interpret its highly symbolic content. It protects us against understanding Revelation in a way that is contrary to the teaching of Jesus and the apostles, and in a way that is contrary to the eternal plan that God set in place before the creation of the world.
These studies of the connection of Revelation with the rest of the Bible take us deep into the heart and will of God. Here we realise afresh his sovereign purpose and where we fit into it. Here we are challenged to trust in his almighty power by which he brings his eternal purpose to pass. Here we are overwhelmed by his amazing grace, his immense compassion, that put this plan in place even before we sinned.
Here in Revelation we see the culmination and the consummation of this eternal purpose of God revealed and reported throughout the Scripture.