© Rosemary Bardsley 2009, 2014
#1 High recognition needs
Check through the ‘high recognition needs’ in Study Six and identify how they can either be directed positively into the service of Christ and others or used negatively or destructively either in relation to self or others.
Positive things to use for Christ
Negative things to overcome for Christ’s sake
#2 High Social Needs
Check through the ‘high social needs’ and identify how they can either be directed positively into the service of Christ and others or used negatively or destructively either in relation to self or others.
Positive things to use for Christ
Negative things to overcome for Christ’s sake
#3 High social needs
Check through the ‘high security needs’ and identify how they can either be directed positively into the service of Christ and others or used negatively or destructively either in relation to self or others.
Positive things to use for Christ
Negative things to overcome for Christ’s sake
#4 High Achievement Needs
Check through the ‘high achievement needs’ and identify how they can either be directed positively into the service of Christ and others or used negatively or destructively either in relation to self or others.
Positive things to use for Christ
Negative things to overcome for Christ’s sake