Gospel freedom is termed ‘redemption’ and as such is always freedom at a cost.
Gospel freedom is not arbitrary – it is the result of a deliberate decision by God to bear whatever cost it takes to set us free. That cost is termed a 'ransom'.
The concept of ‘ransom’ is commonly used in notes written by kidnappers. Release from captivity and restoration to one’s loved ones is promised on the payment of the ‘ransom’. The ‘ransom’ is the price paid to secure the freedom.
The New Testament describes very clearly what the cost of Gospel freedom is:
The Son of Man came to ‘give his life as a ransom for many’ [Matthew 20:28; Mark 10:45].
We ‘have redemption through his blood’ [Ephesians 1:7].
Jesus Christ ‘gave himself a ransom’ [1Timothy 2:6].
Jesus ‘gave himself for us to redeem us’ [Titus 2:14]
Jesus was fully human ‘so that by his death he might … free those ...’ [Hebrews 2:14,15].
Jesus obtained eternal redemption for us ‘by his own blood’ [Hebrews 9:12].
We were redeemed ‘with the precious blood of Christ’ [1Peter 1:19].
Jesus purchased us for God by his ‘blood’ [Revelation 5:9].
The death of Jesus Christ is the cost of Gospel freedom.
In addition, Gospel freedom, and its cost, is embedded in the will of God from eternity – before he created the world, before time began, this death of the incarnate Son of God for human redemption was inevitable, because God had so willed it. This cost, this death, this freedom, were real in eternity before time, and human life, began.
Believers were ‘chosen in him before the creation of the world’ [Ephesians 1:4].
Gospel grace was given to us in Christ ‘before the beginning of time’ [2Timothy 1:9].
Jesus is the Lamb ‘slain from the creation of the world’ [Revelation 13:8].
And here we realize a deep, deep truth that is overwhelming in the utter magnificence of its mercy and grace: that God created human beings knowing that we would sin, knowing that at his appointed time he would send his own beloved Son into the world to pay this horrific price necessary to set us free.
He did not have to create us.
He did not have to pay the price.
But he did.
So great, so strong, so immeasurable is his love for us.
© Rosemary Bardsley 2012, 2019